Glasgow CELTIC football card rarities by F.C.C. ||:|| Football Card Collector

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Sports PAPERcut

J B Weir
John Britton Weir, CELTIC,  on a c.1950 packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £28

Pt Ediguia WC74


PORTUGUESE!  CELTIC (and to be, a Liverpool legend) KENNY DALGLISH from "Munique 74" by Ediguia

DIFFERENT to the similar looking card by Fher, from Spain, the same year. This sticker has Portuguese writing not Spanish.

EXTREMELY RARE! Some light wear but this rarity has to be £30  SOLD £30 SOLD

Pals ARS and CELT PALS c.1923 NEW SERIES ... UN-CUT ... very rare in an UN-Cut state, still as issued.

The double card showing left is the premium card of ARSENAL & CELTIC card and as such is a  PREMIUM ISSUE!


about VERY GOOD -



Sports CARDcut

C Tully

Charlie Tully, erstwhile Belfast Celtic player, here for Glasgow Celtic, c.1950,  on a packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.  NOTE : marks/indents to front are as issued (it's a manufacturing mark)

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £28

Troman Celtic Extremely rare Victorian/Edwardian, c.1900 game card for Glasgow Celtic

Some handling wear - not surprising for its c.120 years' of history. CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION. 

£75 o.n.o.


Extremely unusual Scotland football card (gum card/trumps card size) of   [Sir - he should be knighted]  Kenny Dalglish from Mexico, from The World Cup 1986. Celtic Park legend.

Never sold in the UK, rarely, if ever, seen by UK collectors. Do not miss this gem! SOLD £75 SOLD

For price, etc. Click the picture left to see larger pictures of back & front, price, and info on how to buy this rarity


Gds78sheet2 one COMPLETE UNCUT SHEET of 10 cards, as issued, excellent to near-mint!

This has CELTIC & LIVERPOOL legend Kenny Dalglish AND ALSO  Gordon McQueen of Leeds United & latterly Man Utd amongst other greats like Kubala!

VERY RARE to find uncut sheets today, over 35 years later!  THIS ENTIRE SHEET of 10 is £55 SOLD £55 SOLD

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...

SpainFher WC74


Spanish issue by Fher.  Danny McGrain - CELTIC

DIFFERENT to the similar looking sticker by Ediguia, from Portugal, the same year. This sticker has Spanish writing not Portuguese



Man Utd, Celtic

Original PAIRS, rare stickers from the barely seen 1971 Nabisco "Cup Winners" series.

Manchester United and Glasgow Celtic. £25. 

Gente 74


Danny McGrain (?) Well, the mis-spelled name is meant to be McGrain, I am almost sure, but this Hammer House of Horror shot of the great man, if indeed it's him, seems more like The Hunchback / Ghoul than poor Danny boy.

Saying it is , in fact, Danny McGrain, of Celtic & Scotland, this is a very rare sticker of him, from Italy, 1974.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. 

Plain back, with printed "glue here" line atop, un-glued, as issued, very good and ... EXTREMELY RARE!  £35



1981/2 Portugal issue for "XII Campeonatao do Mundo 1982". Ed.Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

Danny McGrain of CELTIC

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards

parxCELTjj Portuguese CELTIC sticker from 1968 of JIMMY JOHNSTONE, Lisbon Lions European Cup star.

£28 includes registered post.  An extremely rare item!

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RuiRomLTcelt CELTIC 'lighter colours' version/variation of this extremely rare, unused sticker from Spain, 1973.

£30.00  ... and to see others from this series  click here

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this little gem...

Celt71portBrogan Portuguese GLASGOW CELTIC stickers from 1971, this one of  JIM BROGAN (also an erstwhile COVENTRY CITY player). Unused - never stuck down into the album, where most good copies have long since disappeared to.

VERY RARE. Click the image to see more.  £22

To see more from this rare series please CLICK HERE

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Spain RuiRom



Spain-only issue. Plain back. DIFFERENT to similar Portuguese sticker by CdC- click pic to see bigger image.

VERY RARE! £25.00 - includes freepost Europe - Click picture to see buying options

SpainFher WC74


Spanish issue by Fher.    DAVID HAY - CELTIC.

DIFFERENT to the similar looking sticker by Ediguia, from Portugal, the same year. This sticker has Spanish writing not Portuguese


Pt Ediguia WC74



DIFFERENT to the similar looking card by RuiRomer, from Spain, the same year. This sticker has Portuguese writing not Spanish.

EXTREMELY RARE! Some light wear but this rarity has to be £25     CLICK PICTURE TO SEE A  LARGER IMAGE

Gds78hay ITALIAN ISSUE ONLY : David Hay of Scotland, Argentina 78, and of Glasgow CELTIC. A rare football card, with blank back, no damage, cut as intended, from packet issue, issued ONLY in ITALY - never sold in the UK

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this rare card £22

parxCELTbm Portuguese CELTIC sticker from 1967 of  BILLY McNEIL, Lisbon Lions European Cup star.

£28 includes registered post.  An extremely rare item! GOOD.

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem... 

pan72proofGC PROOF issue, advance test copy, ink stamped on 'advance pressing' rear, a type that only appeared in quite different form a year later, in the "1972-1973" Benelux Panini launch (note French and Dutch language on rear; and Dutch language "proof example" red ink stamps).  This 1-off, as well as the other similar unique items here, has been in John Allen's archive for 3 decades! It seems 1 complete sheet of proof issues, each stamped, may have been cut neatly and divided into 1 of each card some years (decades?) ago. Never seen before! Not seen in 30 years collecting rare and exotic cards.UNIQUE item. VERY GOOD PLUS condition. £35.00

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...

SolaceMacL MacLean, of Celtic, on a very rare Solace Cope Cigarette card from 1910.

Good. £22.00 includes postage

For price, etc. Click the picture left to see larger pictures of back & front, price, and info on how to buy this rarity

parxCELTblx Portuguese GLASGOW CELTIC sticker from 1967 of BOBBY LENNOX, Lisbon Lions European Cup star.

£28 includes registered post.  An extremely rare item!

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...



RARE! Celtic unused card from the MIRA 1967-68 series, describing them as European Cup Champions League Winners, Lisbon Lions 67. NEVER AVAILABLE In the UK, this is a rare chance to get a top condition copy of this card. Note this card actually has a luminous orange border but it looks salmon-pink from the scan - early luminous technology! Otherwise its colours are as seen here. RARE! £35

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ruiDARKcelt CELTIC - THIS IS THE 'DARKER colours' version/variation of this extremely rare, unused sticker from Spain, 1973.

For the LIGHTER PRINTING version, see above...  £30.00

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this little gem...

Gds78mcGrain ITALIAN ISSUE ONLY :  CELTIC star Danny McGrain, for Scotland at The WC Argentina 78. A rare football card, with blank back, no damage, cut as intended, from packet issue, issued ONLY in ITALY - never sold in the UK

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this rare card £22

parxCELTauld Portuguese CELTIC sticker from 1967 of  BERTIE AULD, Lisbon Lions European Cup star.

£28 includes registered post.  An extremely rare item!  GOOD.

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem... 


Celtic 1967 European Cup Winners team on MARCA sticker. From set of 1990s stickers sold only in SPAIN. Large stickers. Never available in the UK. Only 1 of each. Don't miss them.

please CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION and to see all  purchase options, and to BUY this item. £12.


SpainFher WC74


Spanish issue by Fher.  Connelly  - CELTIC

DIFFERENT to the similar looking sticker by Ediguia, from Portugal, the same year. This sticker has Spanish writing not Portuguese


SpainFher WC74


Spanish issue by Fher.   A.HUNTER - CELTIC.

DIFFERENT to the similar looking sticker by Ediguia, from Portugal, the same year. This sticker has Spanish writing not Portuguese


Pt Ediguia WC74



DIFFERENT to the similar looking card by Fher, from Spain, the same year. This sticker has Portuguese writing not Spanish.

EXTREMELY RARE! Some light wear but this rarity has to be £25   CLICK PICTURE TO SEE A  LARGER IMAGE

cal86SCOT Portuguese language card rarity - never available in the UK - this extremely rare SCOTLAND Mexico 86 World Cup football card is sized about typical gum card / trump card size, with a 1986 calendar back, and it features a mid-1980's line-up of well-known and legendary players with Roy Aitken of CELTIC.

EXTREMELY RARE! Click the picture left to see larger pictures of back & front, price, and info on how to buy this rarity


MARCA issue. From set of 1990s stickers sold only in SPAIN. Large stickers. Never available in the UK. Only 1 of each. Don't miss them.

please CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION and to see all  purchase options, and to BUY this item. £12.


GdS78macari ITALIAN ISSUE ONLY : Lou Macari of Scotland, Argentina 78, then of Mancheter United, and, earlier Celtic. A rare football card, with blank back, no damage, cut as intended, from packet issue, issued ONLY in ITALY - never sold in the UK

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this rare card £22

parxCELTmurd Portuguese CELTIC sticker from 1967 of  BERTIE AULD, Lisbon Lions European Cup star.

Only £22  as condition is only "FAIR" due to faults visible on the large pic - click the image to see.

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CELTIC. European Cup (win) 1967 game. Unused Panini card from 1968. From an Italian issue only - never available in GB : "Calciatori 1968-69" UNUSED & EXCELLENT :  SCARCE £15.00

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(or for a lesser grade copy, OK to the front but with marks from once being stuck-down on the back, it's only £10.00)


Wim Janssen, on a 1974 card, from Italy, in Feyenoord colours, for WC 74. The man who gave Celtic their first Scots Premier League trophy in 10 years - and stopped Rangers' 10th in a row! VERY RARE card of a Rotterdam & Green Glasgow hero - never available outside Italy 1974.  £28

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parxCELTsimps Portuguese CELTIC sticker from 1967 of  RONNIE SIMPSON, erstwhile Queen's Park, Third Lanark, NEWCASTLE UNITED & Hibernian. Lisbon Lions Glasgow Celtic European Cup star.

Only £12  as condition is only "FAIR" due to the faults that are clearly visible - click the image to see.

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CELTIC Billy McNeil. The European Cup (win) 1967. Unused Panini card from 1968. From an Italian issue only - never available in GB : "Calciatori 1968-69" UNUSED & EXCELLENT :  SCARCE £15.00

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(or for a lesser grade copy, OK to the front but with marks from once being stuck-down on the back, it's only £10.00) 


Early-1970's Italian issue (never available in GB) by PANINI in ITALY only, "Calciatori 1971-71" series. Used - it has lost its sticker backing and has been stuck-down. Also there is handling wear, so only GOOD MINUS but it is very scarce! VERY SCARCE - even in this condition it's still GBP £10.00 Sterling.

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1977/78, Dutch/German issue only - "Jean's Fussball", denim-style stickers with top clubs' badges.  MINT! Un-used, with original backing. Plain sticker back, un-marked, PERFECT! Scarce. £12.00.

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B1v card number #15, F.O'Donnell, of BLACKPOOL, Preston North End, and GLASGOW CELTIC is by Barratt, 1937. A very rare pre-war British issue, not often seen - in any condition!  This nigh-on-80-year-old classic Barratt card has a couple of light corner creases and a very faint, small crease elsewhere - hardly visible - and is graded "GOOD" condition but do click on the photo to see for yourself. Valued at 30GBP or more, in "FCCM". CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

Price = GBP Sterling £15.00

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cel5 Very scarce, 1974 Un-used Panini sticker from a French/international collection of that year - NEVER issued in GB.

This is 1 of  2 stickers that make up a pair-set of Scottish football's main clubs at the time. £12.00

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1928 metal football card showing a Celtic team of the day, with many a great name noticed amongst it. A few scratches and a little deformation to the metal but still "GOOD+PLUS" CONDITION. Click image to see a larger version. RARE!



* NOTE no backing paper to this sticker.

SCARCE "Euro Football 78" sticker of Celtic 1977 team - no peelable paper on back / ex-album BUT no damage to sticker.  CLICK PIC TO SEE CLOSE-UP - corner crease o/w a CLEAN item. SCARCE but as ex-album (UNdamaged but removed and minus backing paper) only £8.00

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VERY SCARCE French issue, triple sticker, intact, with Kenny Dalglish. World Cup 1982, Laughing Cow cheese. CLICK PIC TO SEE CLOSE-UP. £25

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B1j C. Napier, of DERBY COUNTY and CELTIC, by Barratt, 1936. A very rare pre-war British issue, not often seen - in any condition!  This 80-year-old classic Barratt card, with light corner rounding/1 faintest-ever tint corner crease (hardly noticable)  is justly classified as "GOOD*"- do click photo to see for yourself. Valued at 30GBP or more, in "FCCM". CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION



LOOK AGAIN - this is NOT a Service Line release! It was issued only in the Far East by THE KNIGHT. VERY SCARCE.

Roy Keane, erstwhile Celtic player, here for Ireland, USA 94. £10.00

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LOOK AGAIN - this is NOT a Service Line release! It was issued only in the Far East by THE KNIGHT. VERY SCARCE.

Tony Cascarino, Celtic player & Ireland star. £10.00

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Very rare 1974 card, never issued in the UK.  Scotland 's David Hay,  Celtic legend, Chelsea star,  and a Motherwell player too - not forgetting St. Mirren.

Great condition! £40

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A Celtic legend! Late-1970's Italian issue (never available in GB) by PANINI in ITALY only: "Calciatori 1979-80" series. This is a sticker-within-a-sticker type (like AVA 1977 stickers). Unused. Excellent condition. Only £20 here - it's a LOT more with other sellers (click here to see!)

SCARCE. GBP £20.00 Sterling 

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Gds78sheet3 one COMPLETE UNCUT SHEET of 10 cards, as issued, excellent condition (the number "8" has been written on the back but o/w EX)

This has CELTIC 's DAVID HAY, as well as Holland's Johann Cruyff and Juve & Italy's Dino Zoff amongst other greats of the day.

VERY RARE to find uncut sheets today, over 35 years later!  THIS ENTIRE SHEET of 10 is only £45

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...

Gds78sheet5 COMPLETE UNCUT SHEET of 10 cards, as issued. about excellent condition (the number "5" has been written on the back but o/w EX)

This has DANNY McGRAIN of Glasgow CELTIC amongst other greats of the day like BDR's Berti Vogts & Passarella of Argentina.

VERY RARE to find uncut sheets today, over 35 years later!  THIS ENTIRE SHEET of 10 is only £40

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...

Spain RuiRom



DANNY McGRAIN - CELTIC  & SCOTLAND.   Plenty of handling wear =  FAIR - at best! Hence lower price than others... only £15 with p&p

Spain-only issue. Plain back. DIFFERENT to similar Portuguese sticker by CdC- click pic to see bigger image.

VERY RARE! £15.00 - includes freepost Europe - Click picture to see buying options


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F.C.C. ||:|| Football Card Collector ||:|| VERY RARE FOOTBALL SOCCER CARDS FOR SALE

from the creator, publisher & 1st editor of FCCM (Football Card Collector Magazine) 1997-2000