ARSENAL FC, WOOLWICH ARSENAL, THE GUNNERS football card rarities by F.C.C. ||:|| Football Card Collector

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Save 10% - pay by bank transfer. Write to us with the details of the cards you want and we'll invoice you - you could save lots!

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YP24 ARS Shaw c.1922 astonishingly rare Arsenal trade card, issued by one of the 1920's boys magazine, anonymous per se but typical of Boys' Magazine, Chums, Magnet, etc.,

J. SHAW of ARSENAL.  100 years of handling, discoloration, soot(!) ... worn, with faults, some light adhesion damage to rear (some parts of titles worn away) ..................BUT incredibly rare. The first we have seen in 30 years! Price must be this ...

Offer accepted SOLD

Pals ARS and CELT PALS c.1923 NEW SERIES ... UN-CUT ... very rare in an UN-Cut state, still as issued.

The double card showing left is the premium card of ARSENAL & CELTIC card and as such is a  PREMIUM ISSUE!


about VERY GOOD-minus


1947Barratt Earlier type, darker, Litho variety! MUCH RARER than supposed ... as rare as the 1930s issues AND RARER STILL as these have 3 - at least THREE varieties! Post war paper supplies, being what they were, were hit-and-miss; so too was the printing, which is why these appear in at least THREE varieties, on white paper, or on buff-toned grey paper, and with so many types of off-set and litho print styles, dark and light backgrounds, etc., due to different printing presses and apprentice printers, and lack of experienced ones (war). Surely one of the most difficult Barratt series to find all of the varieties from.

Leslie Compton DARK background early type LITHO / mid-grey cardstock type card. N.B. LIGHT CREASE centre  £35


Taddy 1908


Pre-World War One cigarette card by Taddy, 1908 issue of  WOOLWICH ARSENAL J Dick, footnote type

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card

Wear and handling evident: FAIR.  See larger images to see all.  £28 freepost

BellBoy CoachSecrets

ARS Herd

ARSENAL David Herd - Original. Not waxy paper issue. This is thick paper - white paper - with images on 2 sides.

Footballers & their 'Coaching Secrets'. Very rare 1964/65 double-sided paper item by ANGLO AMERICAN GUM

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of this card, and how to buy it.  £25   includes freepost (Europe)


Sports PAPERcut

A Macauley

Archie MacAuley Arsenal, on a c.1950 packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £35


Sports PAPERcut

W Barnes

Wally Barnes, Arsenal, on a c.1950 packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £35


Sports PAPERcut

L Scott

Laurie Scott, Arsenal, on a c.1950 packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £35

BellBoy CoachSecrets

ARS Eastham

ARSENAL George Eastham - Original. Not waxy paper issue. This is thick paper - white paper - with images on 2 sides.

Footballers & their 'Coaching Secrets'. Very rare 1964/65 double-sided paper item by ANGLO AMERICAN GUM

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of this card, and how to buy it.  £25   includes freepost (Europe)


Sports PAPERcut

W M Griffiths
William Maldwyn Mal Griffiths WALES and former Arsenal player on a post-war packet issue card, cut as intended from a post-war Godfrey Phillips "Sports Cigarettes" tobacco packet.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card £28

Casdon 1982 WC game


Casdon Soccer Game. England WC82 squad. 1982 packet issues - cut out.  Thick card (but they will insert merrily into typical albums, i.e. plastic sleeves).

CLICK on PIC to see a BIGGER VERSION (backs are plain cardboard)  & for how to buy it...   £15 (freepost Europa)

Fher1966 Baker Fher-Disgra, 1966 Spanish issue, different from similar issues by Cibels, Fedora & laCaserta. These are from The John Allen archive. John collected for 30 years+ whilst living in Spain and Italy and in that time only 1 or 2 of these came his way.

Plain back. VERY GOOD! Unused, no damage.  Joe Baker of Arsenal £25

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back & for how to buy it


Arsenal Parker

Barratt 1925/1926 series - this has the "Sherbet Novelties" type back, ARSENAL Tom Parker .  FAIR due to corner crease and scratch, etc. Eventually a NORWICH CITY manager (twice over) but here Tom Parker, ex- Southampton, is newly transferred to Chapman's Gunners, and named as an ARSENAL player, dating this card most accurately to 1926.


This is an EXTREMELY RARE VARIETY and thus it has to be SOLD £95.00 SOLD


ARS L.Compton

ARSENAL Leslie Compton.  Card #14, Clifford Series British trade cards, c.1948/49 - staple holes as issued.

EXCELLENT.  £60.00 Sterling.

    NOTE : for more of these very rare Clifford cards, at various prices, see down this page

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION of front & back  & to see how to buy this rare card




Early 80's pic for Portugal issue by Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

FRANK STAPLETON a legend at Arsenal, here for Ireland.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards

1934 BarrattTF Arsenal 1934 - one of the rarer issues - ARSENAL Barratt team folder





1981/2 anonymous sticker for ESPAÑA 82 MUNDIAL. Mystery issue. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

KENNY SANSOM of ARSENAL here for England in 82.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards



1983 Portugal issue only for "Futebol Euro 84", by Ed.Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. Plain back.


CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards




Portugal-only issue sticker by Sorcasius, very early 80's. Image from 1980?  UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

LIAM BRADY an Arsenal legend and latterly for West Ham, here for Ireland.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards

BarrattFACWars ARSENAL Barratt & Co Wood Green 1935 FA Cup WINNERS issue, number  44 Gunners 1930 card.

VERY RARE. Generally VG. £75.00

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it.

ars7 the RAREST Arsenal card on this or any other footy cards pages in the world? We think so. It's by Bunsen's early incarnation as VCC, cancelled with a Poppleton rubber stamp - it was sent in for a prize. It comes from the Roman Road in East London (E3), 1922/23, where Bunsen were based in the mid-1920's, but it has the firm name as VCC. This exceedingly rare soccer trade card (until 2014 only 3 cards had ever been seen from this VCC set of redemption cards) is without doubt the premium item on this site,, and we are proud to offer it for sale. You will NEVER see another one of these. Condition as seen - CLICK to see BIGGER picture - a diamond of a rare football trade card; rarer than just about ANY football cigarette card! Perhaps the rarest & most desired football trade card on the market! £500  SOLD £XXX.xx SOLD


1983/84 Portugal Issue for "Futebol Euro 84". Ed.Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

PETER NICHOLAS of ARSENAL, here for Wales.   £25 including freepost, as with all cards

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it.

HulmeWizard EXCEEDINGLY RARE 1930 Wizard medallion of JOE HULME of Arsenal.

A little rusty, a tad under ideal condition but still good. However, due to condition, the price is only £120 (o.n.o.)

SOLD £95.00 SOLD

Lampo61JBaker THIS IS AN EXTREMELY RARE un-used sticker from Italy, 1961, from a very obscure series.

Joe Baker, English star who moved to Arsenal via Turin!

An Italian-only issue, a rare collection, and never stuck-down = you may never see the likes of it again. SOLD £50.00 SOLD

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Archie MacAuley of ARSENAL, formerly Glasgow Rangers, West Ham United, and Brentford; also Fulham, before managing Norwich City, Brighton & Hove Albion and West Bromwich Albion WBA!   GOOD.  RARE., Clifford Series British trade cards, c.1948/49 - staple holes as issued

NEW STOCK - EXCELLENT card - better than card shown left (SOLD)

CLICK small photo left to see more details on the newly found better card & how to buy it

baggio64Baker Joe Baker, on an extremely rare Italy-only issue, from c.1964. This is a card.

There is also a paper sticker version known (just as rare!)  NOTE this has a small crease atop but it does not detract much from the extraordinary rarity of this gem, from the John Allen archive. The ONLY 1 of the cards that we have seen , in over 30 years at the vanguard of soccercards.   SOLD £80.00 SOLD


pan72proofARS PROOF issue, advance test copy, ink stamped on 'advance pressing' rear, a type that only appeared in quite different form a year later, in the "1972-1973" Benelux Panini launch (note French and Dutch language on rear; and Dutch language "proof example" red ink stamps).  This 1-off, as well as the other similar unique items here, has been in John Allen's archive for 3 decades! It seems 1 complete sheet of proof issues, each stamped, may have been cut neatly and divided into 1 of each card some years (decades?) ago. Never seen before! Not seen in 30 years collecting rare and exotic cards. UNIQUE item.  VG+ condition. £45.00

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this gem...

SkVerlagARS2 German 1968 Arsenal issue! Very rare.

CLICK THE SMALL PICTURE, at left, to SEE A BIGGER PICTURE & how to buy this 2-player sticker

SOLD £28.00 SOLD



1981/2 Portugal Issue for "XII Campeonatao do Mundo 1982". Ed.Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

PAT JENNINGS, here for NI, during his ARSENAL years.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards 

estRIXpair 2 card set of ARSENAL 's Graham Rix, 1980, UN-USED, Spanish-only issue. Buy this 2 cards-set now for £22

Never issued in Great Britain. Only available in Spain in 1980/81. Rare to find both parts of this 2 card set.


tabayARSpre 1948 Spanish gum card, ARSENAL v PRESTON NORTH END, Highbury 31 January 1948, showing Denis Compton in action.

***SALE INCLUDES the original ALBUM PAGE as well as this VERY GOOD un-stuck CARD***

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION and to see card in full, back & front.

The photo shows Denis Compton in action amidst Gunners and Preston players. 

VERY RARE WITH THE entire original album page! (without other sports card seen in picture) £55 incl. P&P.

CohWeeBoyd 1901 cigarette card of Woolwich Arsenal captain, Boyd, VG. SOLD

Rare and valuable 110-year-old cigarette card ONLY SOLD£35 INCLUDING REGISTERED POSTAGE

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

ArsWeng90 Arsene Wenger, on a French sticker from 1990, UNused.

Not ever available in the UK. Rare. Only 1 available now. £15

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

heinNIgoalie Arsenal 1960s goalie, Northern Ireland international, John 'Jack' McClelland here seen in an October 1960 World Cup qualifying match, at Windsor Park, Belfast.  vs. West Germany. Also seen is another Northern Ireland player. NEVER ISSUED in GB/UK.

Card has some handling wear, odd corner knocks, yet is generally GOOD - and VERY VERY RARE!

Click the picture left to see larger pictures of back & front, price and info on how to buy this rarity

jasMON Nacho Monreal, Arsenal.

Only issued in Spain, and available for only 1 week in 2013

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this rarity for a BIGGER VERSION. GBP Sterling £15.00 

ArsWeng85 Arsene Wenger, on a French Panini sticker from 1985, UNused.  NOTE the "ASNL" image, in red, bottom right - destiny!

Not ever available in the UK. Rare. Only 1 available now.  £22 includes freepost.

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION



W.R.Wilkinson of Pontefract, EXTREMELY RARE issue, Arsenal 's Walley Barnes, of Wales, This Gunners trade card is from about 1952, from the  "Popular Footballers" series, one of the scarcest and most attractive post-war collections. £55 including postage.

please CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION, to see all  purchase options, and to see how to BUY this item.


jasCAZORL Santi Cazorla, Arsenal.

Only issued in Spain, and available for only 1 week in 2013

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this rarity for a BIGGER VERSION. GBP Sterling £15.00 


Amazing! A very rare George Graham card that has rarely, if ever, been seen in GB. It was NEVER available in the UK!  THIS IS VERY GOOD PLUS+/to EXCELLENT!  1-off chance! Don't miss it! £75.00

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ArsWeng86 Arsene Wenger, on a French Panini sticker from 1986 - UNused.

Not ever available in the UK. Rare. Only 1 available now.  SOLD £20 SOLD

CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

calHENRY06 Russian trade card from 2006 featuring Thierry Henry, Arsenal legend.

Lovely card from Russia. 1 only.  £15 with airmail postage included.

For price, etc. Click the picture left to see larger pictures of back & front, price, and info on how to buy this rarity

ArsVorient Here's another one of those very obscure Spanish cards (see the '?Liverpool/Orient?' oddity below for the other one)  here showing Arsenal in that away strip with the blue cannon centre chest (1977/78) versus Leyton Orient (in an unusual home strip?) (also 77/78) at CHELSEA! yes, at Stamford Bridge. It was the F.A.Cup semi-final, when Orient made the last 4, under the legendary Jimmy Bloomfield's guidance. Frank Stapleton and Malcolm MacDonald are seen for The Gunners, but I am not sure of The O's players ...

EXCEEDINGLY RARE! 1 only. You won't find this again! Offers chances open for a couple of days 'til I get it properly listed here.


Extremely scarce MINT and SEALED original Arsenal and Real Madrid sticker-patches, from c.1974/5, unopened packet. Never available in the UK. Spanish issue only. Gunners emblem sticker and also a Real Madrid sticker. Excellent to near mint. Don't miss it!

Click on the photo at left to see a larger version of both sides

Click the photo left for how to buy this rare item, prices and postage options.


AMAZING! a 1920's Spanish football card showing a Holloway area (north London) match between local team, Tufnell Park (from teh Arsenal  manor) versus the great Spanish team of yesteryear, C.D. Europa! Issued early-1920s, this very rare Spanish card should interest Gunners and residents of N7 N19 N5, N1 and NW5 in London. Do not miss this!

Click on the photo at left to see a larger version of both sides SOLD

Click the photo left for how to buy this rare item, prices and postage options.


30+ years old Iberian Arsenal World Cup 1982 card, by "Grafic3D" issues, from Spain.

Lovely condition. Never available in GB. RARE! £28

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1930's German rarity, ARSENAL Ted Drake card, by Union Cigarettes. If you see this card these days it'll most likely be stuck-down into an album. Very few in any state survived the destruction and carpet bombing inferno inflicted upon Germany as World War Two closed. This, however, is a VERY GOOD PLUS+ to better condition card. You won't ever find better! VERY RARE. £90.

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ds15 David Seaman of Arsenal, here for England, on a very scarce Euro 1996 sticker.

NEVER issued in the UK.  A much sought-after item, rarely offered.   1 only.

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Original PAIRS, rare stickers from the barely seen 1971 Nabisco "Cup Winners" series.

Arsenal and Northern Ireland. £25.

ds10 1998 Tony Adams, England and Arsenal.


Only 1 of this in stock. Don't miss it.

Please CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION and to see all  purchase options, and to BUY this item.



Clifford Series, c.1948/49. Wally Barnes, ARSENAL, formerly Southampton and Portsmouth. GOOD. 

RARE £45.00 Sterling

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Bob McNab, of Arsenal, Wolves and Huddersfield Town. Unused, neatly cut, as intended, dotted lines marking edge of sticker are still visible;  the plain, gummed back is still un-used, still ready to moisten and stick-down. The gum is still in good order! Very neat, top condition. £12.00 GBP Sterling.

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Laurie Scott, ARSENAL, formerly Bradford City, and latterly with Crystal Palace, as player and manager.  Good/GOOD+. 

RARE £45.00 Sterling

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SOLD 1895 Extremely rare Woolwich Arsenal Baines shield - it has been stuck down in a scrapbook at some time, and the back is still adhered to the paper of the page, cut neatly around the card - otherwise, card is undamaged. Shows early Gunners' captain JOE POWELL, to die a year or two later, on the pitch, aged just 26! NOTE : card is NOT cut, it's just this scan; card is intact.



ARSENAL, 1924, Black & white, B series, card # B1.

Rare. This has the printed advert back (B series cards also come with plain backs).  About GOOD PLUS.  £28.00

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Early-1970's Italian issue (never available in GB) by PANINI in ITALY only, "Calciatori 1971-71" series. Used - it has lost its sticker backing. Also there is handling wear, so only GOOD MINUS but it is very scarce!

SCARCE so, even in this condition it's GBP £10.00 Sterling 

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card #14, E. Bowden, of ARSENAL and formerly of PLYMOUTH ARGYLE, issued by Barratt, 1937, a very rare pre-war British trade card issue, not often seen - in any condition!  This nigh-on 80-year-old classic Barratt card, with a couple of very light, almost unnoticeable corner scuffs is truly "VERY GOOD" yet click on the photo to see for yourself. Valued at 30GBP or more, in "FCCM". CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

Price £28.00

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A. Mackie, of NORTHAMPTON TOWN, ARSENAL and PORTSMOUTH, issued by Barratt, 1936, a very rare pre-war British trade card issue, not often seen - in any condition!  This 80-year-old classic Barratt card, with a couple of light corner knocks to one corner is truly "GOOD PLUS" but click photo to see for yourself. Valued at 30GBP or more, in "FCCM". CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

Price £28.00

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G. Male, of ARSENAL and formerly ORIENT (Clapton Orient / Leyton), issued by Barratt, 1936, a very rare pre-war British trade card issue, not often seen - in any condition!  This 80-year-old classic Barratt card, with a couple of very light, almost unnoticeable creases is truly "GOOD" yet click on the photo to see for yourself. Valued at 30GBP or more, in "FCCM". CLICK ON the PICTURE of this card for a BIGGER VERSION

SOLD £28.00 SOLD


Arsenal 1960, VERY SCARCE issue from The Netherlands, by Maple Leaf chewing gum, issued in 1960.

Some pen to rear, some handling but generally GOOD PLUS condition. For greater detail, for condition, and to see players' names click on this photo to see larger version.

GBP £25 Sterling.

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ars2 1982 scarce Italian issue (never available in GB) by PANINI in ITALY only, "Calciatori 1982-83" series.

GOOD MINUS due to mark on the rear but it is very scarce!

SCARCE.  GBP £8.00 Sterling

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Arsenal FC emblem, 1974 Panini. Scarce but it has long ago lost its generic backing paper (i.e. the original backing paper did not refer to the club) - CLICK it to see a LARGER IMAGE - never issued in GB/UK. Pencil number to rear , missing peel-off backing, otherwise it's fine. 

SCARCE but no backing paper, UN-damaged, NO adhesion damage to back, just £10.00 

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(OR... see item "ars4" below this for an un-used copy with the backing paper - write to us for that one)


this is as "ars3" above (they are just different scale scans) same size WITH backing paper, this is very scarce, 1974 Un-used Panini sticker from a French/international collection of that year - NEVER issued in GB.  £20.00

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(or see "ars3" above for a used copy, for half the price)


Liam Brady, 1979 VG+/excellent  Euro Football 79 issue, one of the premium scarcity stickers from this late 1970's Panini collection.


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ars6 1928 metal football card showing Jimmy Stein and Dixie Dean, amidst an Everton team of 11, plus 2 inset player pictures. GOOD+PLUS CONDITION (some scratches and some deformation but still GOOD PLUS+). Click image to see a larger version

RARE! £30.00

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RARE - maybe very rare Nabiso (Shredded Wheat) sticker set from 1972-73, 11 Division 1 team stickers in one sheet. VG condition. Teams included are Arsenal Everton Chelsea Wolves Stoke City Spurs Swindon Town Cardiff City Millwall Aston Villa Huddersfield Town.



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VERY SCARCE "Euro Football 78" (blue) issue (continental European issue - not issued in the UK) in EXCELLENT condition, a twin-sticker of Malcolm MacDonald of Arsenal (and Ray Butch Wilkins of Chelsea). CLICK PIC TO SEE CLOSE-UP - EXCELLENT!


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Denis Bergkamp, on a FRENCH-only "La Vache Qui Rit" ("Laughing Cow") issue, for USA 94. Quite scarce these days £8.00

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kn4 LOOK AGAIN - this is NOT a Service Line release!

CLICK HERE TO SEE COMPARISONS PAGE between these stickers and those by Service Line

It was issued only in the Far East by "THE KNIGHT" (though printed in Italy). VERY SCARCE!

with Arsenal Bergkamp, NETHERLANDS HOLLAND metallic team, also with Gullit and Bryan Roy. £25.00

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kn8 LOOK AGAIN - this is NOT a Service Line release!

It was issued only in the Far East by THE KNIGHT. VERY SCARCE.

Dennis Bergkamp Arsenal The Gunners, for Nederland in Holland colours at USA 94. £10.00

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kn20 LOOK AGAIN - this is NOT a Service Line release!

It was issued only in the Far East by THE KNIGHT. VERY SCARCE.

Marc Overmars Arsenal The Gunners Barcelona USA 94. £10.00

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Alan Ball, erstwhile Arsenal player. Unused, neatly cut, as intended, dotted lines marking edge of sticker are still visible;  the plain, gummed back is still un-used, still ready to moisten and stick-down. The gum is still in good order! Very neat, top condition. £10.00 GBP Sterling.

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Santiago Cazorla Gonzalez, for Arsenal, from Spanish magazine JUGON's set of promotional cut-out stickers. Not for sale in UK. £8.00

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Negredo, for Manchester City, from Spanish magazine JUGON's set of promotional cut-out stickers. Not for sale in UK. £8.00

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Mikel Arteta, for Arsenal, from Spanish magazine JUGON's set of promotional cut-out stickers. Not for sale in UK. £8.00

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boom2 Liam Brady of Arsenal, West Ham United, Ireland, Brighton and Hove Albion, Celtic and Juventus

"BOOMERS" Issued only in SPAIN for the 1982 World Cup. Wax paper inserts, issued with gum, folded as issued. Rare.

£30.00 please CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION and to see all the TO BUY options for this item 


George Eastham

TIME MAGAZINE (Italy issue) 1966 original cut-out sticker, issued with magazines in build-up to WC66 - ONLY in Italy!

George Eastham of Newcastle United, Arsenal and Stoke City.   EXTREMELY RARE £45.00

Copes Clips ARS Bateup From the 282 series, a very good condition 100+ year old cigarette card showing Woolwich Arsenal 's Bateup.

MUCH RARER than Murray's or LCCC catalogues would suggest!




1981 photo, Portugal Issue for "XII Campeonatao do Mundo 1982". Ed.Sorcasius. UN-used, almost as new. Very rare. PLAIN BACK.

SAMMY NELSON of Arsenal, here for NI, during his last ARSENAL year.

CLICK PICTURE to see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it. £25 including postage, as with all cards

5k. A great Gunner for ARSENAL, NOTTINGHAM FOREST, and Köln; and a star for ENGLAND : Tony Woodcock.

An anonymous Italian issue, never available in GB; a large cut-out gummy back sticker (UN-gummed, never stuck-down into album, as intended) issued by "Il Giornarlino" in 1982, to mark the World Cup in Spain. This is a very scarce issue, due for rarity values ever-rising...

NOTE _ due to condition this is priced a little lower than it should be. It's a very scarce item (and would normally be £20) but it's for sale at only £15

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F.C.C. ||:|| Football Card Collector ||:|| VERY RARE FOOTBALL SOCCER CARDS FOR SALE

from the creator, publisher & 1st editor of FCCM (Football Card Collector Magazine) 1997-2000