EURO 92 and ESTRELLAS DO FUTEBOL MUNDIAL by Manill, c.1992.  These were NEVER issued outside Portugal.

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PORTUGAL ONLY ISSUE :  ESTRELAS DO FUTEBOL MUNDIAL anonymous plain back sticker supposedly by Manil, c.1992

Tottenham Hotspur, Middlesbrough and Newcastle United star GAZZA on a very scarce Portuguese sticker - plain back, unused.

To see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it please CLICK ON PICTURE. £22.00 includes postage.

PtManil Euro92Yellow Gazza EURO 92 : PORTUGAL ONLY ISSUE by Manil, 1992. On the back it is numbered 258, says Semic Press MANIL-Euroflash, etc.

Tottenham Hotspur, Middlesbrough and Newcastle United star GAZZA on a very scarce Portuguese sticker - unused, as new

To see a BIGGER VERSION and for how to buy it please CLICK ON PICTURE. £22.00 includes postage.


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F.C.C. ||:|| Football Card Collector ||:|| VERY RARE FOOTBALL SOCCER CARDS FOR SALE

from the creator, publisher & 1st editor of FCCM (Football Card Collector Magazine) 1997-2000